John the Baptist – Confirmation of the Gospels?


John the Baptist is recognized as a real historical figure by fierce religion opponents of Christianity as well as a Roman Jewish historian. The Gospels feature John the Baptist as a prominent figure in the life of Jesus of Nazareth, too. Does the existence of John the Baptist lend credibility to the Gospel accounts?

John, the eyewitness Gospel, recognizes John the Baptist as the one who testified about the Light whom he identified as Jesus Christ.[1] Mark begins its Gospel immediately by declaring Jesus to be the Son of God, then declares John the Baptist fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah 40:3 preparing the way for the LORD.[2]

“John the Baptist Preaching” by Giambattista Fontana, 16th Century.

Priests and Levites questioned John the Baptist about his true identity, but John denied he is the Messiah. Referencing the prophecy of Isaiah 40:3, the Baptist said it was a prophecy about himself as the forerunner of the Messiah:

JN 1:23 He said, “I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way of the Lord,’” as the prophet Isaiah said. (NSRV)

IS 40:3 A voice cries out: “In the wilderness prepare the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. (NSRV)

Affirming the existence of John the Baptist is a vehement opponent to the belief that Jesus is the Messiah – the Muslim religion. John the Baptist aka Yahya is referenced in four different books of the Quran. He is described as respectful and obedient to his parents, a devout, noble and chaste person – a prophet and a witness to the truth of the “Word” of God.[3]

Luke’s Gospel and the Quran both describe the miraculous circumstances of the birth of John the Baptist to the barren, aging Elizabeth. Her husband, Zachariah (Zakariya), was struck dumb when an angel delivered the message he was to be a father.[4]

Surah: 21:89-90a “And (remember) Zakariya, when he cried to his Lord… So We listened to him: and We granted him Yahya: We cured his wife’s (Barrenness) for him.”

One of the four Quran references establishes common ground with Judaism and Christianity. John the Baptist is placed in the same company of revered Godly Jewish leaders Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Noah, David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, Aaron and…Jesus.[5]

Judaism is another passionate opponent to the Gospel’s proclamation that Jesus is the Messiah. Nevertheless, the Jewish Encyclopedia in its article for the “New Testament” makes references to the life and teachings of Jesus first starting with John the Baptist:

“The whole picture of John the Baptist and of Jesus as bearers of good tidings to the poor has the stamp of greater truthfulness.”– Jewish Encyclopedia[6]

Flavius Josephus was a Pharisee member of the Sanhedrin chosen as a general to lead the Jewish military. After his capture by the Romans, he became a Jewish historian for Rome. In his monumental work, Antiquity of the Jews, he significantly referenced John the Baptist in more than just a passing reference.[7]

“…John, that was called the Baptist for Herod slew him, who was a good man, and commanded the Jews to exercise virtue, both as to righteousness towards one another, and piety toward God, and so to come to baptism; for that the washing [with water] would be acceptable to him, if they made use of it, not in order to the putting away [or the remission] of some sins [only], but for the purifications of the body; supporting still that the soul was thoroughly purified beforehand by righteousness.” – Josephus

During a trip to Rome, according to Josephus, Herod Antipas stayed with his half-brother Herod Philip (their father was the late King Herod) and met Philip’s wife, Herodias, sister of Agrippa the Great.[8] The two became paramours who conspired to move in together and marry after they returned from Rome with the stipulation Antipas would divorce his current wife.

“…Herodius took upon her to confound the laws of our country, and divorced herself from her husband while he was alive, and was married to Herod [Antipas], her husband’s brother of the father’s side; he was tetrarch of Galilee; but her daughter Salome was married to Philip, the son of Herod, and tetrarch of Galilee…” – Josephus [9]

Unbeknownst to Herod Antipas, his current wife discovered the lover’s affair of her husband with Herodius. In a preemptive move, she requested to be sent to the castle of Macherus near her Arabian King father, Aretas.

Insulted by the infidelity against his daughter, Aretas sent his army to do battle with the troops of Herod Antipas allegedly over a boarder dispute. Aided by the secret troop support of his offended brother, Herold Philip, King Aretas defeated the army of Herod Antipas.[10]

“Herod, who feared lest the great influence John had over the people might put it into his power and inclination to raise a rebellion (for they seemed ready to do anything he should advise) thought it best, by putting him to death, to prevent any mischief he might cause, and not bring himself into difficulties, by sparing a man who might make him repent of it when it would be too late. Accordingly, he was sent a prisoner, out of Herod’s suspicious temper, to Macherus, the castle I before mentioned, and was there put to death…” – Josephus [11]

Twice stated by Josephus, some of the Jews believed the reason for the destruction of Herod Antipas’ army was a punishment from God for killing the Baptist:

“Now, some of the Jews thought that the destructions of Herod’s army came from God, and that very justly, as a punishment of what he did against John, called the Baptist, for Herod slew him, who was a good man…” [12]

Using the word “repent,” a word that carries a specific religious meaning, it had special connotations to a Pharisee such as Josephus.[13] In Judaism, to repent first requires an act against God’s Law followed by the transgressor’s confession, regret and a promise not to repeat it.[14] Antipas had no desire to repent or change his ways.

Reasons for why John the Baptist was executed can be two distinctly different things, yet both can be true. Matthew and Mark attribute the reason to a grudge held by Herodias for being shamed by John the Baptist for her illicit lifestyle.[15] Josephus attributed a political reason for his execution, the perception that he was a problematic political threat to Antipas. Either way, the problem was solved with the execution of John the Baptist.

An insider source may very well have been Joanna of the Gospels, household manager of Herod Antipas.[16] If not herself, she would have had inside contacts who had knowledge of intimate behaviors in the Herod Antipas’ family.

Judaism, Islam and Christianity, intense opponents of each other’s beliefs plus the secular Roman historian Josephus, all agree as a fact that John the Baptist was a real historical figure who was sent by God. With the role of John the Baptist being an integral part of the life of Jesus of Nazareth, does it confirm the truthfulness of the Gospels?

Updated September 3, 2023.

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[1] John 1:1-8. NASB, NIV, NKJV, NRSB. <> Fontana, Giambattista. Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco. “St. John the Baptist Preaching.” Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Sopher Collection. photo. 16th century. <>
[2] Mark 1:2-4. NASB, NKJV. Footnotes #5, #7. <>
[3] Quran. Surah 3:39; 19:13-14.  Quran. Trans. Abdullah Yusuf Ali. n.d. <
[4] Luke 1:8-25. Quran. Surah: 3:38-41; 19:2-11; 21:89-91.
[5] Quran. Surah: 6:84-86.
[6] “New Testament.” Jewish Encyclopedia. 2011. <> CR Singer, Isidore; Adler, Cyrus, et. al.  The Jewish Encyclopedia. Volume 9. 1912. “Luke.” p 251.  <>
[7] Josephus, Flavius. Antiquities of the Jews. Trans. and commentary. William Whitson. The Complete Works of Josephus. Book XVIII, Chapter V.2. <>
[8] Josephus. Antiquities. Book XVIII, Chapter V.1
[9] Josephus. Antiquities. Book XVIII, Chapter V.4.
[10] Josephus. Antiquities. Book XVIII, Chapter V.1. Bunson, Matthew.  Encyclopedia of the Roman Empire. “Herod Antipas.” 2002. <>
[11] Josephus. Antiquities. Book XVIII, Chapter V.2.
[12] Josephus. Antiquities. Book XVIII, Chapter V.2.
[13] Josephus. Antiquities. Book XVIII, Chapter V.2; Book VIII, Chapter XII.3. Josephus, Flavius. The Life of Flavius Josephus. #22. Trans. and Commentary. William Whitson. The Complete Works of Josephus.  <>  Josephus, Flavius. Wars of the Jews. Book V, Chapter IX.4; Book VI, Chapter 2.1. Trans. and commentary. William Whitson. The Complete Works of Josephus. <> CR Josephus. Antiquities. Book III, Chapter I.5; Book IV, Chapter III.14, Chapter VIII.2; Book VI, Chapters II.3, III.4; Book VII, Chapter XII.3; Chapter XIII.8.>
[14] Maimonides, Moses. Mishna Torah, Repentance 1. <> “Teshuvah, or Repentance.” 2020. <;
[15] Luke 8:3.
[16] Matthew 14:1-12; Mark 6:17-29.  CR Luke 9:7-9; John 3:24. Josephus. Antiquities. Book XVIII, Chapter V.4. Bunson. Encyclopedia of the Roman Empire. “Herod Antipas; Herodias.”

Mary Was There Beginning to End


Famed mother of Jesus, Mary was a witness throughout the exceptional life of her son, Jesus – the only one who was there for it all.[1] Like most mothers, every amazing detail about her son was memorable.

Mentioned twice in Luke before Jesus turned 13, the Gospel says Mary “treasured all these things in her heart.”[2] Nativity accounts of Gospels of Matthew and Luke are able to present firsthand accounts based on Mary being an eyewitness.[3]

As a girl living in Nazareth, population of about 2000, she came of marriageable age at about 13 years old and became betrothed to Joseph.[4] Betrothal for Mary was no different than for any other Jewish girl…until she was visited by the angel Gabriel.

Turning from ordinary to extraordinary, Mary’s remarkable life took only a moment. Gabriel announced she would be impregnated by the Holy Spirit and would give birth to the Son of God.[5] No doubt, the message shocked her to the core.

Informed by Gabriel that Elizabeth was pregnant, too, Mary promptly traveled to visit her cousin. They something they had in common – special pregnancies.

Elizabeth had been married for many years, but had been barren. Even Zechariah, her husband who learned of her pregnancy from the Gabriel, still doubted the possibility of Elizabeth becoming pregnant because of her age.[6]

Merely a few days pregnant, even before Mary herself experienced any physical changes, Elizabeth confirmed Mary’s pregnancy the moment she arrived.[7]

Three months later when it was time for Elizabeth to give birth to her son, later known as John the Baptist, Mary went back home to Nazareth. She did not immediately tell Joseph she was pregnant.[8]

Eventually discovering her pregnancy and knowing he was not the father, Joseph assumed Mary had a paramour. It is safe to assume Mary’s secret pregnancy caused stress in their betrothal relationship.

Joseph considered a divorce, but before he took any action an angel paid him a visit delivering a message from God.[9] Having a change of heart, the message caused Joseph to decide that God’s divine plan trumped the difficult situation for himself.

As if things in Mary’s home life weren’t tough enough, as Mary was preparing to give birth any day, the Nazareth town crier announced a registration decree by Caesar August. Because of their lineage, the decree required Mary and Joseph on very short notice to trek some 90 miles away to Bethlehem, the ancestral home of King David.[10]

Matters got even worse in Bethlehem. When the couple arrived in the town, they found the inns were full and were forced to stay in a stable. While there, Mary went into labor and had to use a livestock manger for a crib.

Joy overcame the difficult circumstances with amazing events that followed. Heralded by a choir of angels, shepherds left their herds in the country to see Mary’s newborn baby.[11]

Later, an entourage of Magi came from a faraway country to visit their family. Bearing expensive gifts gold, frankincense and myrrh…and they worshipped her baby![12]

Topsy-turvy events of the past few months again took another dramatic turn again for the worse. Of all people, Herod, the King of Judea, wanted to kill her baby forcing Mary’s new family to journey through the desert to escape to Egypt.[13]

Finally things settled down after the death of Herod and the new family returned to Nazareth. Over the following years, Mary and Joseph raised a family of at least four boys and two girls.[14]

A stark reminder that their 12-year old son, Jesus, was distinctively different from his siblings came when they lost him for 3-4 days! Joseph and Mary eventually found Jesus in the Temple.[15]

Probably jarring the senses of his parents, their 12-year old son asked: “Why is it that you were looking for Me? Did you not know that I had to be in My Father’s house?”[16]

Knowing her son had special powers who could perform miracles, it suggests Jesus had done other miraculous things privately within their family. When a wedding party ran out of wine, Mary knew Jesus could save the event.

Mary asked her son to save the day and told servants to do whatever Jesus said. Not ready to publicly reveal his miracle capabilities and in-spite-of being a grown adult, Jesus did as his mother asked by performing his first publicly recorded miracle by turn pots of water to wine.[17]

At his home in Capernaum, Mary and her family tried to meet with Jesus, but they could not reach him because the crowd was too dense. Some people told Jesus his family was outside wanting to see him and Jesus responded by saying that he considered those around him to be his family.[18]

Next mention of Mary three years later was during the most dreadful of scenarios, all the more horrifying for a mother, as she watched her tortured son being executed by crucifixion.[19] What emotions she experienced can scarcely be imagined.

Much attention is made of Mary Magdalene’s Resurrection encounter at the tomb. Jesus’ own mother and family have to be better qualified to confirm or refute that Jesus was alive again after his death on the cross.[20]

James, one of the brothers of Jesus, believed he rose from the dead and was willing to die for his belief. According to Roman Jewish historian Josephus, James became a martyr that the resurrected Jesus is the Messiah:

“…he [Ananus] assembled the Sanhedrin of judges, and brought before them the brother of Jesus, who was called Christ, whose name was James, and some others, [or, some of his companions.]  And when he had formed an accusation against them as breakers of the law, he delivered them to be stoned…” – Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews [21]

From her miraculous conception, the circumstances of his birth, many of his miracles, and his crucifixion to his Resurrection, Mary was the sole witness from the beginning to the end of the life of Jesus. Some of the incidents can be substantiated by sources outside of the Gospels – Roman historians, Judaism, astronomy, and archeology.

Does Mary’s witness account provide believable evidence that the appearance of Jesus fulfilled the prophecies about the Messiah?


Updated January 2, 2024.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


[1] Luke 1:2.
[2] Luke 2:19; 2:51. CR Luke 1:66. NASB. NASB, NIV. Luke 2:19.
[3]Northcote, James Spencer. “The Life of Mary in the Gospels.” 1856-60. <> “Who was With Jesus When He Ascended?” 2017. <> “Mary.” image. 2013. <>
[4] “Nazareth.”  New World Encyclopedia. 2018. <>  “Nazareth.” Jewish Virtual Library. 2019. <> Kiddushin 3b.  Sefaria. <>  “Marriage.” Judaism 101. <>  “Majority.” Jewish Encyclopedia. 2011. <>
[5] Luke 1:26-35.
[6] Luke 1:39-45.
[7] Luke 1:8-25, 57-66.
[8] Matthew 1:56.
[9] Mathew 1:18. 2019. Greek text word “heurisko.” <> Strong’s Concordance with Hebrew and Greek Lexicon. n.d. <>
[10] Luke 2:1-6.  Tarwacka, Anna. “The consequences of avoiding census in Roman law.” 2013. <
[11] Luke 2:8-20.
[12] Matthew 2:1-12.
[13] Matthew 2:13-17.
[14] Matthew 13:55; Mark 3:31-34, 6:3; John 2:12; Acts 1:14.
[15] Luke 2:41-51.
[16] NASB.
[17] John 2:1-11. CR John 4:46.
[18] Matthew 12:46-50; Mark 3:31-34, Luke 8:21.
[19] John 19:25. CR Luke 23:49.
[20] Acts 1:12-14. CR John 2:12;
[21] Josephus, Flavius. Antiquities of the Jews. Trans. and commentary. William Whitson.  The Complete Works of Josephus. 1850. Book XX, Chapter IX.4.  <