Star of Bethlehem & Astronomy – Truly a Star?


Many have wondered if the Star of Bethlehem, “his star” observed by the Magi, was truly a star or something else? If astronomy can be used to corroborate Matthew’s Gospel, it could establish the birthday timeline for Jesus of Nazareth.

Only Matthew’s Nativity account of Jesus’ birth references the star, yet it holds two compelling clue that can be compared with factual astronomy data produced by NASA astronomers, professors, experts and others. According to Matthew, the Magi saw “his star” twice; first in their homeland, then again in Jerusalem – how can a star appear, disappear and reappear again months later?

MT2:1-2 “…‘Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.’” (NASB, NKJV)

MT 2:9-10 “When they heard the king, they departed; and behold, the star which they had seen in the East went before them…When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy. (NKJV)

Astronomy as a science began thousands of years ago with the Assyrians and Chaldean who charted star and planetary positions and developed the ability to calculate their advance movement in the night skies. Magi used this ability to forecast star alignments and added meanings to the events.

After thousands of years, major advancements in scientific astronomy began in the 1600s with Johannes Kepler’s formulation of the Three Laws of Planetary Motion.[1] In the 1960s, Bryant Tuckerman took Kepler’s breakthrough to the next level using the then highly advanced IBM 704 vacuum-tube computer to calculate the alignment of planetary stars going back millennia.

Today’s modern science community considers ancient expertise to be remarkable.[2] Using modern software, stellar events  can even be narrowed down to specific to global regions such as the Babylonian/Baghdad time zone.[3]

A simple fact known to the Magi astronomers:  fixed stars hold their positions while planet-stars normally appear and disappear during their rotation around the Sun. Movement cannot be visually seen at any given moment; rather, changes in position can be observed in periodic views of the night sky or from night to night.

Eventually a moving planet will briefly appear on a single night in close visual proximity with another planet or fixed star known as a conjunction. A separation of less than 1° proximity is considered a rare conjunction event.[4]

Putting the degree proximity into perspective, the pinkie fingernail on a fully extended arm held towards the night sky covers about 1° (1 degree). The moon covers about ½ of a degree.[5]

A single conjunction today is newsworthy such as when touted a 3° separation between Venus and Jupiter in 2012.[6] It was a close 3° – chances of witnessing a conjunction of merely 1° proximity can be a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Imagine the excitement if there were seven conjunctions of less than 1° separation in just 18 months?! It happened.[7]

Extraordinary planetary conjunctions were exceptionally prolific during the final seven years of the BC era. Among them, from May, 3 BC – June, 2 BC, were seven sensational, rare conjunctions:

3 BC: [8]

May 19:  Saturn-Mercury conjunction of only .67°/40′ (arc minutes)

June 12:  Saturn-Venus conjunction of only .12°/7.2′

August 12:  Jupiter-Venus conjunction of only .07°/4.2′

September 14:  1st of Jupiter triple conjunction with Regulus of only .33°/19.8′

2 BC:

February 17:  2nd of Jupiter triple conjunction with Regulus of only .85°/51′

May 8:  3rd of Jupiter triple conjunction with Regulus of only .72°/43.2′

June 17:  Jupiter-Venus conjunction of a mere .0073°/ 26.2″(arc seconds)

May 19, 3 BC, the Saturn-Mercury conjunction of .67° proximity, only 2% this close are visible from Earth.[9] A person living to the age of 77 has less than a 50-50 chance to possibly witness one.

June 12, 3 BC, Saturn came into .12° conjunction with Venus. While these conjunctions happen about once per year, close encounters like this occur in about 8% of all their conjunctions with just 17% being visible from earth – a once in a century opportunity.[10]

Venus & Jupiter in close proximity

August 12, 3 BC, amazed stargazers with the Jupiter .07° conjunction with Venus.[11] Separation with this extraordinarily tight proximity occurs in a scant 3% of their conjunctions, about once every 120 years.[12] 

September 14th ended the 3 BC conjunction activity by initiating the first of a triple conjunction between the king planet Jupiter and the king star Regulus, each with less than 1° proximity.[13] Jupiter-Regulus triple conjunctions recur in 12 and 71-year cycles.[14]

Most striking is the timing and galactic visual location playing out during the months between the two Jupiter-Venus conjunctions of August 12th and the upcoming June 17th conjunction. Last two of the triple conjunctions took place in the heart of Leo the Lion royal constellation.[15]

June 17, 2 BC, as the sunlight faded away in the early evening western sky of Jerusalem, emerged the amazing sight. A reunion of Jupiter and Venus formed an occultation conjunction displaying an elongated, brilliant star more than twice the size of any other in the heavenly panorama.[16] Amplified by being the two brightest planet-stars, “the star” would have been an impressive phenomenon to behold.

Depiction of Venus-Jupiter occultation.

“Occultation” is an astronomy term referring to when one celestial object visually appears to move in front of another. Jupiter-Venus occultations are among the rarest – only 3 might have been visible to the naked eye from Jerusalem since 2 BC.[17]

Rarer still, the Jupiter-Venus occultation occurred inside the Zodiac’s royal constellation of Leo the Lion, the natal sign of Judah.[18] An occultation this close inside Leo only happens once about every 2000 years.

Modern software makes it possible to actually see the remarkably rare series of 3-2 BC conjunctions in an animated, time-lapsed recreation. The amazing heavenly pageant wows crowds and astronomers alike at planetarium observatory Christmas shows.[19]

Magi expert astronomers undoubtedly saw a celestial phenomena compelling a quest traveling hundreds of miles.[20] Advance knowledge of this upcoming event in the heavens may have been a sign that prompted the Magi to consult King Herod in Jerusalem immediately before the brilliant marvel arose.[21]

The question is simple:  is “his Star” witnessed by the Magi the two Jupiter-Venus conjunctions of August 12, 3 BC, and June 17, 2 BC?


Degrees ( ° ), arc minute ( ′ ), arc second ( ″ )

Updated November 25, 2024.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


[1] “Kepler’s laws of planetary motion.” Encyclopædia Britannica. 2018. <>  Paradis, Andrew. “What are Kepler’s laws of motion and what exactly do they mean?” | Physics & Astronomy Online. n.d.  <>  Nave, Carl R. “Kepler’s Laws.” Georgia State University | Department of Physics and Astronomy. 2001. <>
[2] Eduljee, K. E. “Greek Perceptions of Zoroaster, Zoroastrianism & the Magi.”  Zoroastrian Heritage. 2011. <> Larson, Frederick A.  The Star of Bethlehem. “Why are we hearing this now?” 2018.  <>  Hochhalter, Howward. The Hollow 4 Kids. “A Celestial Road to Truth.” 2022. <>
[3] Hayton, Daron. “A Modern Astrologer’s Intellectual Breadcrumbs.” Philadelphia Area Center for History of Science. 2011. <> Tuckerman, Bryant.   “Planetary, Lunar and Solar Positions 601 B.C. to A.D. 1 at Five-Day and Ten-Day Intervals.” 1962. <>  Houlden, Michael A. and Stephenson, F. Richard.  “A Supplement to the Tuckerman Tables.”  Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society. Volume 70. “Introduction” “Extent and Precision of Tuckerman’s Tables.” <>  Leverington, David A. Babylon to Voyager and Beyond – A History of Planetary Astronomy. 2003. Chapter 1.2. <
[4] Basics of Space Flight. Dir. Charles Elachi.  2013 Edition.  “The Solar System.” NASA Science | Solar System Exploration. <> “What’s a conjunction?” EarthSky. 2017. <>  Coffey, Jerry.  “Conjunction.” Universe Today.  7 Jan.  2010.  <>  Mosley, John. “Common Errors in ‘Star of Bethlehem’ Planetarium Shows.” International Planetarium Society Inc. Reprinted from the Planetarian. 1981. <>
[5] “Angular Measurements.”  Cool Cosmos.  “Cosmic Reference Guide.”  Cool Cosmos.  Ventrudo, Brian. “Measuring The Sky.” One-Minute Astronomer. 2009. <>
[6] Cain, Fraser. “Venus-Jupiter Conjunction, March 15th, 2012.” Universe Today. < >
[7] Carroll, Susan S. “The Star of Bethlehem:  An Astronomical and Historical Perspective.” Twin Cities Creation Science Association. 1997. <>  Hochhalter, Howard. The Hollow 4 Kids. “A Celestial Road to Truth.” 2022. <>  Hochhalter, Howard. The Hollow 4 Kids. “Star of Bethlehem Timeline.” 2022. <>  Hochhalter, Howard. “The Star of Kings and the Magi.” March 21, 2023. video. <
[8] “Angle converter.” Unit Juggler. <>  “Angular Measurements.” Cool Cosmos. <>  Ventrudo,  Brian. “Measuring The Sky.”  “Venus and Jupiter’s Upcoming Conjunction.” Universe Today. 2004. <>  Carroll. “The Star of Bethlehem:  An Astronomical and Historical Perspective.”  Phillips, Tony. “A Christmas Star for SOHO.”  NASA Science | Science New. 2018. <>  “Birth of Jesus.” 2012.  <> Martin, Ernest L. The Star of Bethlehem – The Star That Astonished the World.  Chapter 1 & 4. 2003. <>  Rao,  Joe.  “How to Measure Distances in the Night Sky.” 2010. <>  Cain.  “Venus and Jupiter’s Upcoming Conjunction.”  Sielaff, David. “An Important August 2 B.C.E. Conjunction.” A.S.K. (Associates For Scriptural Knowledge). 2005. <>  Clevenger, John.  “Astronomy, Astrology, and the Star of Bethlehem.”  Lake County (Illinois) Astronomical   Society. 2012. <>  Haley, A. S. “The Star of Bethlehem and the Nativity.” Anglican Curmudgeon. 2009. <>  Newman, Robert C. “The Star of Bethlehem: A Natural-Supernatural Hybrid?”  Interdisciplinary Bible Research Institute.  IBRI Paper (2001).  <> Beatty, Kelly. “Venus and Jupiter: Together at Last.” Sky & Telescope. 2015.  <>  Ratnikas,  Algis. “Timeline 499BCE – 1BCE.”  Timeslines of History.  n.d. <>  Pratt, John P.  “The Star of Bethlehem’s Forerunner.” Reprinted from Meridian Magazine. 2000.  <>  Rjvanderbei. “Searching for the Star of Bethlehem (updated).”   National Geographic  News Watch . 26 Dec. 2011 <>  Dickinson, David. “Is This Month’s Jupiter-Venus Pair Really a Star of Bethlehem Stand In?” Universe Today. October 14, 2015. <>  Hochhalter, Howward. The Hollow 4 Kids. “Star of Bethlehem Timeline.” 2022. <>
[9] Curtis, Jan. “Predictable Astronomical Events.” Alaska Climate Research Center. n.d. Chapter 2. <>  Curtis, Jan. “Mercury-Saturn Conjunctions (2000-2078 AD).” Alaska Climate Research Center. n.d. <> “Planetary Conjunctions.”  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Earth System Research Laboratory. <>
[10] “Planetary Conjunctions.”  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).  Curtis. “Mercury-Saturn Conjunctions (2000-2078 AD).”  Curtis, Jan. “Venus-Saturn Conjunctions Minimum Separation 500-Events (2000-2482).” Alaska Climate Research Center. n.d. <>
[11] Rao, Joe.  “Saturday’s Venus-Jupiter Encounter May Explain Bible’s Star of Bethlehem.” 2016. <>  Martin. The Star of Bethlehem. Chapter 4. Olson, Ross. “Summary of Conjunctions of Planets (“wandering stars”).” 1997. Twin Cities Creation Science Association.  n.d.  <> “Star of Bethlehem will be seen for the first time in 800 years.” San Miguel Times. photo.
[12] Fazekas, Andrew.  “Jupiter Conjunction Peaks Thursday—Easy-to-See Sky Show.” National Geographic Daily News. 2012. <>  “Venus And Jupiter Will Pass 42 Arc seconds Apart On May 17.” Press Release – Marshall Space Flight Center. 2000. <>  Curtis, Jan.  “Venus-Jupiter Conjunctions Minimum Separation 500-Events (2000-2488 A.D.)” Alaska Climate Research Center. n.d. <>  Curtis, Jan. “Venus-Jupiter Conjunctions 100-Events.” Alaska Climate Research Center. n.d. <>  Rao, Joe. “Earthlings Dazzled by Venus-Jupiter Close Encounter.” Discovery News. 2012. <>  Cain. “Venus and Jupiter’s Upcoming Conjunction.”
[13] Kidger, Mark R. “Possible Explanations of the Star of Bethlehem.” Mark Kidger`s Comet and Asteroid Observing Home Page  n.d.<>  Kidger, Mark R. The Star of Bethlehem: an Astronomer’s View. 1999. <,20greek,%20magi&f=false>  “2-planet (1974-2068)” National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). n.d. <> Bunson, Matthew.  Encyclopedia of the Roman Empire. “Jupiter.” 2002. <>
[14] Haley. “The Star of Bethlehem and the Nativity.”  Konnen, G.P. and Meeus, J. “Triple Conjunctions, Twins and Triplets,” Journal of the British Astronomical Association. vol.93, no.1, p.20-24. Bibliographic Code 1982JBAA…93…20K. Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. n.d. <…93…20K/0000023.000.html>
[15] “Birth of Jesus.”  Carroll. “The Star of Bethlehem: An Astronomical and Historical Perspective.”  Newman. “The Star of Bethlehem: A Natural-Supernatural Hybrid?”  Phillips. “A Christmas Star for SOHO.”  Haley.  “The Star of Bethlehem and the Nativity.”
[16] “Planetary Conjunctions.”  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA.  Bogan, Larry. “Mutual Planetary Occultations Past and Future.” Larry Bogan’s Website. Cambridge Station, Nova Scotia. 1999. <>  “Haley. “The Star of Bethlehem and the Nativity.”  Carroll. “The Star of Bethlehem:  An Astronomical and Historical Perspective.” p 10. “Venus And Jupiter Will Pass 42 Arc seconds Apart On May 17.”  Martin. The Star of Bethlehem. Chapter 1. Phillips. “A Christmas Star for SOHO.”  Rjvanderbei. “Searching for the Star of Bethlehem (updated).” “Star of Bethlehem: Two points of view.” KTBS3abc.” photo. 2017.
[17] “occultation.” NASA Aerospace Science & Technology Dictionary. <> Ricci, Pierpaolo.  “Occultations Between Planets from the Year 0 To 4000.”  The Sky and Its Phenomena.  n.d. <>  Bogan, Larry. “Mutual Planetary Occultations Past and Future.”
[18] Genesis 49:8-10; Numbers 23:3-9, 21-24.  “Birth of Jesus.”  Carroll. “The Star of Bethlehem: An Astronomical and Historical Perspective.”  Newman. “The Star of Bethlehem: A Natural-Supernatural Hybrid?”  Phillips. “A Christmas Star for SOHO.”  Haley.  “The Star of Bethlehem and the Nativity.”
[19] Fazekas, Andrew. “Christmas Star Mystery Continues.” National Geographic Daily News. 2008.>  Martin. The Star of Bethlehem. Chapter 1.  Haley, A. S. “The Star of Bethlehem and the Nativity.”  Larson. The Star of Bethlehem.  Hochhalter. “Star of Bethlehem Timeline.”
[20] Carroll. “The Star of Bethlehem: An Astronomical and Historical Perspective.”  Hochhalter. The Hollow 4 Kids. “A Celestial Road to Truth.” 2022. <
[21] “Birth of Jesus.”  “Historical Events.” <> Newman. “The Star of Bethlehem: A Natural-Supernatural Hybrid?”  Phillips. “A Christmas Star for SOHO.”  Mosley, John.  “Common Errors in ‘Star of Bethlehem’ Planetarium Shows.”  Beatty, Kelly. “Venus and Jupiter:  Together at Last.” Sky & Telescope.

Was Mary a Virgin When Gave Birth to Jesus?


Frankly, no one can prove Jesus was born of a virgin and neither can anyone disprove it. Basic human biology and common sense dictates a virgin cannot naturally conceive – a miracle would be required. Believing Mary was a virgin who miraculously conceived Jesus, if not by faith, requires a conclusion based on the circumstantial evidence.

Indirect evidence – circumstantial evidence – when combined together leads to an inference or conclusion of a fact. Direct evidence, on the other hand, lends itself to proving a fact.[1]

Jewish marriage was a two-stage process – first the legal betrothal period typically lasting for 12 months, then consummation at the actual wedding. To begin the process, a proposal by the groom was offered to the prospective bride’s father if she was not an adult.

Negotiated details were eventually formally finalized in a formal legal marriage contract called a ketubah. Enacted by Judean Queen Salome Alexandra (76-67 BC) and formalized by the Sanhedrin long before Joseph or Mary were born, it placed a deed on the groom’s property.[2]

Ketubah 1023 AD

Talmud Kethuboth addresses the ketubah – the price of a virgin or non-virgin; what constitutes virginity status; default recourses; etc. Two important components of a ketubah, in this instance, are virginity and witnesses. 

Family intermediaries vetted the couple’s families, backgrounds and defined the terms of the contract. Financial details were negotiated including the bride price, the dowry, and any contributions from both families.

Monetary values for virgins and non-virgins were predefined by the Sanhedrin, the value of a virgin was twice that of a non-virgin stipulated in a ketubah document.[4] Two family intermediaries signed the ketubah as witnesses meaning the bride was confirmed to be a virgin.[3]

For the bride, the ketubah provided a trust fund in the event of the husband’s death or a divorce excepting for the disqualifying factor of adultery. For the groom, the ketubah factually and legally established his betrothal was a virgin.[5]

Details of the ketubah contract found in the Jewish Encyclopedia twice makes specific reference to the prospective bride’s virginity:[6]

…“And I will set aside for thee 200 zuz, in lieu of thy virginity, which belong to thee (according to the law of Moses)…”

…“We have followed the legal formality of symbolical delivery [“ḳinyan”] between _____ son of ______ , the bridegroom, and ______ daughter of ______ , this virgin, and have employed an instrument legally fit for the purpose to strengthen all that is stated above, and everything is valid and established.




During Mary’s betrothal, according to Luke, the angel Gabriel announced she would bear a son conceived by the Holy Spirit to which Mary replied, “How can this be, since I am a virgin?”[8] In addition to the ketubah with its two signed witnesses, by her own account Mary was a virgin. 

Gabriel also informed Mary that her cousin Elizabeth was 6 months pregnant.[9] Excited by this news, she “went in a hurry to the hill country, to a city of Judah” to visit Elizabeth – Mary left almost immediately.[10]

From Nazareth to Elizabeth’s home, the trip would have taken 3 to 7 days depending on the town’s exact location near Jerusalem.[11] Elizabeth knew in advance that Mary was with child and at the moment of hearing Mary’s voice, the babe in Elizabeth’s womb (who would become John the Baptist) leapt with joy.[12]

Today’s modern medical pregnancy tests are effective, at the earliest, 10 days after conception and most reliably not until after 3 weeks. At best, a modern medical blood test can detect pregnancy in as early as 6 days.[13]

In this very short span of about a week, Mary became pregnant. No human could have known she was pregnant at that point, not even Mary herself were it not for Gabriel’s message and Elizabeth’s exclamation.

Joseph can be ruled out as the father based on his own reaction of wanting to divorce Mary when he unexpectedly learned months later she was pregnant. The possibility that Mary had a secret paramour is a realistic possibility if one does not accept Matthew’s account at face value.[14]

Playing out that possibility, it would be most challenging for a sheltered girl in her early teens still living at home with her parents.[15] To cheat on Joseph, Mary would have to overcome immense hurdles – mentally, spiritually, psychologically, emotionally as well as the fear factor.

Mentally, Gabriel’s visit had to be a most impactful, shocking and earth-shattering experience. Mary was told not only told she was pregnant, but of her future son, “He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David.”[16]

Spiritually, to lose her virginity would be breaking her commitment to Gabriel and God. Mary had made a commitment to Gabriel and to God saying, “Let it be to me according to your word.”[17]

Psychologically and emotionally, infidelity would mean betrayal. Mary would have to be willing to betray her own reputation and that of her family, friends, and Joseph bringing them all great shame and disgrace.

Forfeiture of her future financial security was at-risk by breaking the terms of her ketubah contract. The foreboding fear of death by stoning for adultery was perhaps the greatest deterrent of all.[18]

Physically she would have to circumvent several traditional safeguards. Betrothed girls subject to Judaic Law were under strict supervision of family and the watchful eye of the community.

Unmarried girls were not allowed to be alone at any time with an adult male, not even a family member.[19] If she went anywhere, a chaperone was required.

If Mary didn’t have a tryst before leaving Nazareth, the only other opportunity would be on the journey to visit Elizabeth. Hurriedly preparing for the spur-of-the-moment trip to visit her cousin, in order to cheat Mary would have had to slip away from these guardians of virtue during the short journey.

Mary would have been required to travel in a caravan with a family-chosen chaperone and her secret paramour would have had to be traveling, too.[20] They would have had to find an opportunity to secretly cavort without being caught. If Mary became pregnant during the trip, she would have only been pregnant for less than a week and not aware of it.

Elizabeth’s words may be the strongest piece of evidence. Upon seeing Mary, she blurted out, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!”[21] Would an illegitimate pregnancy have been divinely revealed to Elizabeth who exclaimed to Mary that the baby in her womb was blessed?

Circumstantial evidence that Mary was a virgin is very strong – was Mary a virgin when she conceived Jesus?


Updated January 19, 2024.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


[1] “circumstantial evidence.” Cornell Law School. Legal Information Institute. n.d. <> Last accessed 6 Jan. 2024. “evidence.” Merriam-Webster. 2024. <> “What is the definition of direct evidence? ”Shourse California Law Group. 2023.<,the%20defendant%E2%80%99s%20forged%20signature%20on%20an%20insurance%20application
[2] “Salome Alexandria.” Jewish Virtual Library. 2018. <> “Alexandria.” Jewish Encyclopedia. 2011. <>  “Ketubah.”  Jewish Encyclopedia. 2011. <>  “Marriage: Ketubbah.” Jewish Virtual Library. 2008. <> Schauss, Hayyim. “Ancient Jewish Marriage.” n.d. <>“The Forgotten Ancient Queen: Salome Alexandra of Judea.” Ancient History. < Babylonian Talmud. Ed. Isidore Epstein. “Kethuboth.”  <>  “Ketubah.”  Soncino Babylonian Talmud. Ed. Isidore Epstein. Glossary. <>  ketubah (no title). photo. n.d. 2015.,475> <> Brayer, Menachem M.  The Jewish Woman in Rabbinic Literature. 1986. pp 62-65, 69, 71, 143. <>  Missler, Chuck. “The Wedding Model.” Koinonia House, Inc. 2018. <>  Jewish Wedding Ceremony. n.d. <> “Yichud Room.” n.d. <>  Kaufman, Michael. “After the Wedding Ceremony.” n.d.<>
[3] “Ketubah.” Jewish Encyclopedia.  “Dowry.” Jewish Encyclopedia. 2011. <> Singer, Isidore; Adler, Cyrus, et. al.  The Jewish Encyclopedia. Volume 9. 1912. “Pharisees.” p 663 <> Schauss, Hayyim.  “Ancient Jewish Marriage.” 
[4] “Ketubah” and “Dowry.” Jewish Encyclopedia. 2011.  Singer et. al.  The Jewish Encyclopedia. Vol. 9 “Pharisees.” p 663.  Singer et. al.  The Jewish Encyclopedia. Vol. 9. “Mortgage or Hypothec.” p 37.  “Mishneh Torah, Virgin Maiden 1.” n.d. <>  Soncino Babylonian Talmud. Ed. Isidore Epstein.1935-1948. Kethuboth. n.d. <>  “Legal-Religious Status of the Virgin.” Jewish Women’s Archive. n.d. <>
[5] Soncino Babylonian Talmud. Kethuboth 12a. CR Deuteronomy 22:15,
[6] Lamm, Maurice. “The Jewish Marriage Contract (Ketubah).” <>
[7] “Ketubah.” Jewish Encyclopedia. 2011.
[8] Luke 1:34. NASB, NRSV.
[9] Luke 1.
[10] Luke 1:39. NASB.
[11] Luke 1:39.  “Judah.”  Jewish Virtual Library. 2018. <>
[12] Luke 1.
[13] “Pregnancy Tests.” 23 June 2012. WebMD. 2018. <> “Pregnancy Test.” MedlinePlus. U.S. National Library of Medicine. 2018. <> “Home pregnancy tests: Can you trust the results?” Mayo Clinic. 2018. <
[14] Burke, Rodney Wade. Quora. “Do atheists believe Mary engaged in adultery as I do as a Jew?  2015. <>  “Panthera, the real father of Jesus?” The Evolving Atheist’s Blog. 2009.>
[15] West, Jim. “Ancient Israelite Marriage Customs.”  Quartz Hill School of Theology.  n.d.>  Edersheim. The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah. Book II, Chapter 4.
[16] Luke 1:32. NASB. NKJV.
[17] Luke 1:38. NKJV.
[18] Sanhedrin 53a, footnote #3; 59a; 63a; 66b. <>
[19] Soncino Babylonian Talmud. Kethuboth 12a, 12b, 13a, 13b.  “Adultery.” Jewish Encyclopedia. 2011.  Brayer. The Jewish Woman in Rabbinic Literature. pp 142-143.
[20] Brayer. The Jewish Woman in Rabbinic Literature. p 142-143.
[21] NRSV, NASB, NKJV, ESV, Berean, WEB.

Joseph’s Dilemma With Mary


Joseph’s behavior affected the Nativity story much more than it may seem. His reactions to the extreme circumstances surrounding Mary’s pregnancy reveals truths about her as well as himself.

Most likely Joseph knew Mary through community interactions in Nazareth such as during the harvest or through their Synagogue.[1] He would have been familiar with her family’s reputation and had confidence that she was a marriageable virgin, a very important factor in their conservative Jewish society.[2]

Betrothals typically lasted for a year during which time Joseph was expected to be very busy.[3] As a bridegroom, in addition to paying the traditional bride-price, he had to make money for other financial obligations such as preparing their new home and sponsoring a 3-day wedding feast for their guests.[4]

Ketubah, 1063 AD

Initially, Joseph had few worries about the virtuous nature of his prospective bride. By law, a marriage contract called a ketubah legally declared Mary to be a virgin; the terms of their marriage; and it was signed by the witnesses who vetted Mary.

Mary had less commitment pressures to prepare for the wedding … simply follow the rules of the process. A betrothed girl subject to Judaic Law was under strict supervision of her family and the watchful eye of the community. She was not allowed to be alone at any time with an adult male, not even a male family member.[5]

During his appearance to Mary delivering God’s message that she was miraculously pregnant, Gabriel the archangel, also informed Mary that Elizabeth, her cousin, was 6 months pregnant. With a common unique situation, it seemed to be the perfect opportunity to visit Elizabeth who lived in a village about 6 days away near Jerusalem.[6]

Mary would be gone for 3 months. Keeping in touch with Joseph would be very limited and delayed, if at all.[7]

Joseph would not become aware of Mary’s pregnancy until sometime after her return to Nazareth. It is unclear exactly when he discovered that she was pregnant, but it is clear from Matthew‘s use of the Greek word heurisko meaning “to hit upon…to find (by chance)” that it was a big surprise when he did find out![8]

Overwhelming emotions by Joseph would be expected – hurt and anger followed by resentment, embarrassment, doubt, uncertainty, temptations of vengefulness  and other mixed feelings. Then the big question – what to do next?

Knowing he was not responsible for Mary’s pregnancy, there were two huge consequences to consider. First is the obvious, why would a bridegroom want to marry his bride-to-be who was carrying a child fathered by someone else?

Joseph had the legal recourse of a divorce during their betrothal. For him, it was a legitimate escape avenue for Mary’s seemingly obvious indiscretion and Jewish law favored his position – he only had to make the accusation of adultery.[9]

Very strong circumstantial evidence supported such a charge. Joseph just needed to point to Mary’s state of pregnancy that began while she was out-of-town on a 3-month trip without him to visit her cousin, Elizabeth.[10]

His reaction to the situation is perhaps the most telling evidence of a truth that Joseph was not the father of Mary’s child. Playing the divorce card would also have immediately ended the royal inheritance rights of the unborn Jesus.[11]

Consequences of a divorce weighed heavily on Joseph. Not only would it destroy Mary’s reputation and cause financial loss to both Mary and her family, a public accusation of infidelity could carry a charge of adultery – stoning would not have been out of the question.[12]

Attesting to Joseph’s honorable character, he was seeking to quietly settle the divorce. It would, in effect, minimize embarrassment to Mary, her family and avoid the public charge of adultery.[13]

Moving forward with the marriage had many downsides although it would be the expected behavior of a man who believed himself to be the father of his betrothal’s baby. Frowned upon by the Rabbis, accidental pregnancies during betrothals were a reality, even in those days. The Rabbi’s dealt with these instances by allowing the couple to move up their wedding date and get on with life as a married couple.[14]

Bill of Divorce or “Get”

If Joseph stayed with his pregnant betrothal, their community of family, friends and neighbors would assume the pregnancy was a result of his own doing, even if it wasn’t. Joseph would have to endure the undeserving consequences of facing public scorn and humiliation while swallowing his pride and overcoming his personal feelings.

It would take a big man. Few men would do it. Unexpectedly, Joseph decided not to pursue a divorce.

Joseph set aside all his negative emotions and feelings to honor his marriage commitment to Mary knowing he was not the father of her child while willingly accepting the consequences that would come with it. What caused this sudden change of heart was not to be expected.

Matthew reports the game-changing moment came from a visit by “an angel of the Lord.” He delivered a message from God telling Joseph that Mary’s conception was from the Holy Spirit, her child would be a boy to be named Immanuel which Joseph understood to mean “Jesus.”[15]

Actions speak louder than words, volumes in this case. Something very unusual and significant happened.[16] Did Joseph’s behavior play a key role in determining if the conception and birth of Jesus of Nazareth was a fulfillment of the Isaiah 7:14 prophecy?



Updated November 15, 2023.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


[1] Brayer, Menachem M. The Jewish Woman in Rabbinic Literature. 1986. pp 68-69. <,M1>
[2] Deuteronomy 22:15, 19. Brayer. The Jewish Woman in Rabbinic Literature. pp 57, 59, 61. “Marriage Laws.” Jewish Encyclopedia. 2011. <>
[3] “Betrothal.” Jewish Encyclopedia. 2011. <> Brayer.  The Jewish Woman in Rabbinic Literature. p 62.  Edersheim.  The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah. 1883. Book II, Chapter 4.> Thompson, James C.  Women in the Ancient World. July 2010.  “Women in Ancient Israel” > “Women and the Law in Ancient Israel.” <>
[4] Soncino Babylonian Talmud. Ed. Isidore Epstein. Kethuboth 3b. 1935-1948. <>  Missler, Chuck. “The Wedding Model.” Koinonia House, Inc. 2018. <>  Brayer. The Jewish Woman in Rabbinic Literature. p 70.  “Marriage Contract for Shelamzion and Judah.” K. C. Hanson’s Collection of Greek Documents. 128 AD. photo. <
[5] Soncino Babylonian Talmud. Kethuboth 12a, 12b, 13a, 13b. <> “Adultery.” Jewish Encyclopedia. 2011. <> Brayer. The Jewish Woman in Rabbinic Literature. pp 142-143.
[6] Luke 1.  “Map of Israel in the Time of Jesus.”  Bible History Online. n.d.<>
[7] Luke 1.
[8] Matthew 1:18. Greek text. “heurisko <2147>.” <>
[9] “Adultery.” Jewish Encyclopedia. 2011. <>
[10] Matthew 1:18, 39-43; Luke 1:39, 56. Edersheim. The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah. p 586. “Adultery.” Jewish Encyclopedia. 2011. Brayer, Menachem M. The Jewish Woman in Rabbinic Literature. pp 192-193. <,M1>
[11] Matthew 1:19. “Divorce.” Jewish Encyclopedia. 2011. <> Edersheim, Alfred. The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah. 1883. Book II, Chapter 4. <
[12] Deuteronomy 22:20-21, 23-24. John 8:2-7.  “Adultery.” Jewish Encyclopedia.  “Marriage Laws.” Jewish Encyclopedia.  “Marriage Ceremonies.” Jewish Encyclopedia. 2011. <> Josephus, Flavius. Against Apion. Book II, #25. Trans. and commentary William Whitson. The Complete Works of Josephus. 1850. <>  Thompson,“Women in the Ancient World.”  Edersheim.  The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah. Book II, Chapter 4.
[13] Matthew 1:19.  Schneerson; Menachem M. “The Betrothed.” Chabad org. 2018. <>  “Marriage Ceremonies” & “Adultery.” Jewish Encyclopedia.
[14] Brayer. The Jewish Woman in Rabbinic Literature. pp 143-144, 146-147.  Lamm, Maurice. The Jewish Way in Love & Marriage. 2018. Section “Celebrating the Marriage Covenant” > Chapter “Jewish Betrothal Blessing;” Section “The Structure of The Marriage Covenant” > Chapter “The Jewish Marriage Ceremony.”  <>   Edersheim. The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah. Book II, Chapter 4, footnote #27.  “Ḳiddushin.”’ Jewish Encyclopedia. 2011. <>
[15] Matthew 1.
[16] Edersheim. The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah. Book II, Chapter 4.