The Great Paradox


Quite possibly the greatest paradox in the history of the world occurred when Jesus of Nazareth was tried by Jewish magnates for the offense of blasphemy. The open question is whether or not Jesus was telling the truth when he declared himself to be the Messiah.

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a definition of “paradox” is “a statement or situation that may be true but seems impossible or difficult to understand because it contains two opposite facts or characteristics.”[1]

Blasphemy is defined in God’s Law in Leviticus where the consequences of being guilty of the offense was the death penalty.[2] Jewish sages in the Talmud Mishna and Gemara, written during the era of Jesus, expounded that blasphemy is defined as uttering the name of God and may also include cursing, piercing or incorrectly blessing His name.[3]

Starting in the Book of Genesis, the Bible tells of when Abram (Abraham) left Ur of the Chaldees with his father and family and moved to a new land in Palestine. The modern day l0cation of “Ur of the Chaldees” is in the country of Iran.[4]

Blessed by God, his name was changed to “Abraham” and was promised a son to be born to him and his aged wife, Sarah, whose name had also been changed by God. Sarah doubted the promise, but soon was pregnant and bore Isaac at the age of 90.

Years passed when Abraham was commanded by God to sacrifice his miraculously born son and was led to Mt. Moriah for the sacrifice. Passing the test of faith, Abraham’s only son was spared at the last moment.[5]

Scrolling forward some 400 hundred years, the Book of Exodus describes the Hebrew people escaping Egypt and going to the base of Mt. Sinai. In addition to handing down the Law to Moses, God made prophetic promises that had future implications to the location and timing of the trial of Jesus.[6]

A city called Salem had been already built in Palestine before Abraham’s life and was now called Jebus. While conquering enemies in the land of Abraham, Jebus was overtaken by Israel’s army led by King David and came to be known as Jerusalem which encompassed Mt. Moriah.

One of the promises God made was to provide “the permanent place for His Name to dwell” and it came about with a most unusual twist.[7] King David offered an atonement sacrifice for a grievous lack of faith in God, located on a threshing floor which happened to be on Mt. Moriah.

Fire came down from Heaven to ignite the atonement sacrifice. David was so moved by these circumstances, the King chose that very spot to be the future site for the Temple, “the permanent place for His Name to dwell.”[8]

God also promised at Mt. Sinai that the most complicated cases in the land were to be litigated in the place He would choose. Eventually, the Sanhedrin served as the supreme court of Israel making Jerusalem the Judgement Seat of Israel.[9]

Matthew and Luke record that Jesus was in the Temple when he referred to Isaiah 56:7 saying “My House will be called a house of prayer.”[10] Jesus proclaimed the Temple is his house, the place where God’s Name dwells, a declaration with major implications.

Arrested in a politically charged environment, Jesus endured a middle-of-the-night trial and was judged by a Sanhedrin body consisting of priests and members of influential families. Priests had been commissioned by God to stand before Him as judges to honor and to preserve the Law.[11]

Jesus had once challenged people who didn’t believe that he is the Son of God, instead, should believe in the miraculous deeds he performed and Nicodemus was one of those people.[12] Miracles performed by Jesus; however, didn’t seem to matter to those judging him even though such miracles included dead people being were brought back to life.

Undercurrents of the trial steeped in Hebrew history were hugely significant. Once Jesus had said, “the Father is in Me, and I in the Father” and on another occasion, Jesus had said “…unless you believe that I AM, you’ll die in your sins.”[13]

High Priest Caiaphas led the aberrant trial, and in what came to be the crescendo, asked Jesus very specifically under oath, “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?” Jesus answered, “ I Am.”

Practically every Hebrew knew “I AM” is another name of God, the LORD.[14] Caiaphas immediately understood the answer and declared, both with words and actions, it was a blasphemy and a guilty verdict was then rendered by the Sanhedrin body.[15]

Timing was a significant factor of the trial circumstances, too. On the first day of Passover at its appointed time, the trial and crucifixion of Jesus occurred.[16]

Paradoxically, if Jesus is the Son of God, he was judged in defense of God’s own Law at the place God promised where His Name dwells; in Jerusalem, God’s chosen Judgement Seat of Israel; by Jewish leaders including priests commissioned by God; at God’s appointed time of the Passover … and was found guilty on the charge of blasphemy.[17]

Were the circumstances of the trial and execution of Jesus as the Son of God the paradox of paradoxes; or, was Jesus a heretic for which there is no paradox, just merely a series of coincidences?

Updated January 3, 2025.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


[1] “paradox.” Cambridge Dictionary. 2023. <>  “The Paradox.” image. 2015. <
[2] Exodus 22:28; Leviticus 24:15-16.
[3] Soncino Babylonian Talmud. Ed. Isidore Epstein. Sanhedrin 55b-56a. <>
[4] Genesis 11:31.
[5] Genesis 22:1.
[6] II Chronicles 3:1; II Samuel 5:6-11. Josephus. Antiquities. Book VII, Chapter III. Ryrie Study Bible. Ed. Ryrie Charles C. “Laws relating to conquests” ref. Ex. 23:20-33.
[7] Exodus 23; 29:43-46; 33; Deuteronomy 12:11-14, 16: 11,18-20, 17:8-10; Numbers 34:1-15; I Chronicles 17:3-10. CR Exodus 30:36, 40:2-11, 34-38; Leviticus 16:2; II Samuel 7:12-13.
[8] Deuteronomy 16:1,6. I Chronicles 21:18-26. CR Exodus 12:14-15; Leviticus 23:4-8. CR Deuteronomy 16:1-8; II Chronicles 8:12-14, chapter 29, 35:1-6.
[9] Deuteronomy 17:8. CR Exodus 19:6. “Sanhedrin.” 2011. <
[10] John 10:38. John 8:24. ISV.
[11] Leviticus 19:15-18; Deuteronomy 1:16-17, 17:8-13, 19:15-21, 25:1. CR Exodus 18; 28:1; Numbers 8:14, Deuteronomy 16:18-19, 18:1-6, 21:5; II Chronicles 8:14; 19:8-11; Nehemiah 11:10-18. “Priest.” Jewish Encyclopedia. 2011.. <>  Ariel, Yisrael. “The Chamber of the Hewn Stone.” The Temple Institute. 2019. <> Ariel. “Blueprints for the Holy Temple.” <>
[12] John 3:1-2.
[13] Matthew 21:13; Luke 19:46.
[14] Mark 14:61. ISV, NLT, NRSV. CR Matthew 9:6, 26.64; Mark 2:10-11, 8:31, 14.62; Luke 5:24, 9:22, 22:69.
[15] “Sanhedrin.” 2007. <> Schoenberg, Shira. “Ancient Jewish History: The Sanhedrin.” n.d. <> Shurpin, Yehuda. “The Sanhedrin: The Jewish Court System.” n.d. <
[16] CR Exodus 12:14-15; Leviticus 23:4-8. CR Deuteronomy 16:1-8; II Chronicles chapters 8, 29, 34-35:19; Ezra 6:16-22. CR Leviticus 23:4-6; Numbers 9:2, 28:16-17. Edersheim, Alfred. The Temple – Its Ministry and Services. 1826 -1889. <>  Coulter, Fred R. The Christian Passover. “Chapters 12-13, Part 1. n.d. <
[17] Exodus 26:31-37. Deuteronomy 12:11-14, 16:18-20; 17:8-10; 18:1-8, 19:15-18.



Jesus of Nazareth – a Real Historical Figure?


Media today widely treats Jesus of Nazareth as a real historical figure. Evidence can be seen in many forms such as via NBC, National Geographic and The History Channel.

Premises of these media presentations is based on the factualness of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem during the end of King Herod’s reign; his Roman crucifixion at Jerusalem, and the claims of his Resurrection that spawned a new religion.

The History Channel mini-series The Bible in 2013 became the adaption into the 2014 major motion picture release of Son of God. The next year this was followed with the 2015 NBC mini-series A.D.: Beyond the Bible picking up where the Gospels ended with the crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus.[1]

National Geographic in 2015 published the hard cover book Jesus: An Illustrated Life where its website promo begins by saying “Two thousand years after his death, Jesus of Nazareth remains one of history’s most influential and fascinating figures.” The 2016 spin-off magazine special edition entitled The Story of Jesus states “Jesus of Nazareth remains one of history’s most influential and fascinating figures.”[2]

New York Times reported decades earlier in 1977 an article entitled Jesus of Nazareth which was then turned into a 6 hour TV episode that later aired on NBC.[3] US News & World Report magazine ran as its cover story on April 16, 1990, The Last Days of Jesus: The new light on what happened based on the premise that Jesus was a real person who lived, died and quite possibly rose from the dead.

Movies, books and magazines do not necessarily prove Jesus was a true historical figure. While many may react by thinking the historicity of Jesus is an established fact, there are those who are skeptical with some adamantly insisting he never existed at all and, as a consequence, Jesus cannot then be the Son of God.

Of those skeptics who do not believe the historical reality of Jesus of Nazareth, that small percentage still translates into millions of people. Many consider themselves to be agnostics or atheists, but not all.

Theories against the historicity of Jesus of Nazareth fall into two basic areas. One is based on a passive form of legend that developed over centuries about a figure known as Jesus.

Another theory is loosely centered on some manner of Christian conspiracy where Christian activists created a fictitious messiah figure, some believing it is a full blown conspiracy.[4] Quotes from the promo webpage for the aptly named book, The Christ Conspiracy by D. M. Murdock, are examples of these views:[5]

“Jesus is a mythical figure in the tradition of pagan mythology and almost nothing in all of ancient literature would lead one to believe otherwise. Anyone wanting to believe Jesus lived and walked as a real live human being must do so despite the evidence, not because of it.” – C. Dennis McKinsey

“The gospel story is an artificial, non-historical work. It has been fabricated from source materials that can be identified and traced to their incorporation into the gospels. There is not a particle of hard evidence that ‘Jesus of Nazareth’ ever existed.” – Harold Leidner

Standing opposed to these charges are diverse sources outside the Bible reaching back through the centuries to within just a few years after the Roman destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 70 AD. They come from Roman era sources; major, non-Christian religions – even some atheists.

Credentials of these historical sources are important in weighing the integrity of their statements in-spite-of their antagonism. One is these is the highly recognized Roman historian of the Jews, Josephus, himself a former Jewish Pharisee priest and military General. Others include prominent Roman historical figures such as Tacitus and Suetonius. Perhaps the most credible sources are two major world religions, Judaism and Islam.

Some sources do not directly discuss the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, but in denouncing or criticizing the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, they have conceded by inference that he was born, lived and walked this earth. Others refer to the crucifixion of Jesus, a recognition that he once lived in order to be crucified.

Virtually all the sources that corroborate the historical existence of Jesus of Nazareth are antagonistic toward Christianity. When opposing forces agree on a common point of information, it becomes the strongest form of a truth because both sides have essentially established – willingly or reluctantly – that it is a fact. Trial lawyers use this strategy to artfully extract common points of truth from witnesses to establish factual information. Using factual testimony of their opposing witnesses, they strengthen their own cases.

Over the past 2000 years up to this very day, the personage of Jesus of Nazareth has and continues to make a monumental impact on the world stage. Continually seen in current news stories, the name of Jesus still causes religious tensions, political turmoil, persecution, brutal atrocities of martyrdom and wars to be fought.[6]

What are the odds that all these consequences are the result of a false premise, one that says Jesus was not a real person? Something profound happened involving a historical figure two thousand years ago that forever changed history – even calendars – nevertheless, some will still continue to believe it is all a myth. Was Jesus of Nazareth a real person?


Updated November 11, 2022.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


[1] “The Bible.” A&E Television Networks, LLC. 2022. <>  “Son of God.”, Inc. 2022. <> “Beyond AD.” NBCUniversal Media, LLC. <>  “Jesus of Nazareth. image. 2011. <
[2] Isbouts, Jean-Pierre. “Jesus: An Illustrated Life.” National Geographic Society.2015.>
[3] “Jesus of Nazareth.” The New York Times Company. 2022. <>
[4] Gauvin, Marshall J. “Did Jesus Christ Really Live?” (ca. 1922). <>
Ron Csillag. “For scholars, a combustible question: Was Christ real?” 2008. <
“Was Jesus a Real Man?” The Atheist Apologist. 2010. <>
“Historicity of Jesus.” New World Encyclopedia. 2012.  <>
Roussos, Ioannis. “On the Historicity of Jesus Christ.” Atheist Foundation of Australia. < rel=”nofollow”>
Rich, Tracey R. “Looking for Jesus?”, <>
Wolchover, Natalie.  “Proof of Jesus Christ?  7 Pieces of Evidence Debated.” 2013.  <>
Gloag, Paton J.  Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels. 1895.  “Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels.”  Online Books Page. <>
[5] Murdock, D.M. aka S., Acharya.  The Christ Conspiracy.  Advertisement.  < rel=”nofollow”>
[6] Chiaramonte, Perry. “Christian persecution seen in more locations across the globe, new report shows.” February 02, 2017. <>